Special Olympics
Get Involved
Become a Coach with Wild West
Coaches are certified by Special Olympics Minnesota and train athletes in a variety of sports. Each sport season is approximately eight weeks long and athletes typically train for one-two hours per week during the course of each season. We are adding new athletes to the program everyday, and as we continue to grow, we need additional coaches. Please contact us at wildwestsomn@gmail.com if you're interested in helping our team. You can also request more information about being a coach:
Unified Sports with Wild West
Unified Sports combines people with and without intellectual disabilities together on the same team. Unified Sports is a world wide movement and to see what is taking place in Unified Sports throughout the world, visit www.playunified.org.
Unified Partner: add anyone age 8+ can be a unified partner.
Wild West currently offers the following Unified Sports:
-Flag Football
To request more information about being a Unified Partner:
Volunteer with Wild West
In addition to coaches and Unified partners, there are several behind the scenes ways to help Special Olympics delegations.
Examples include:
Team assistant (help with equipment, jerseys, practice set and practice clean up)
Plan and organize fundraisers
Plan and organize fun delegation activities
Assist with apparel
Assist with website
Assist with athlete, coach, and Unified partner paperwork
Email Sue or Wildwestsomn@gmail.com if this is something that interests you.